Federal Sentencing Guidelines

Federal Attorney Michael J. Petro Knows the United States Sentencing Guidelines

In the complex world of federal criminal law, one critical aspect that can significantly impact the outcome of a case is the United States Sentencing Guidelines (USSG). These guidelines are a cornerstone...

Federal Sentencing Guidelines Continue reading…

U.S.S.G. § 2B1.1 Loss Amount: Money Paid Back to Victim Before Fraud Detected NOT Counted

US v. Christian Peterson.  No. 14-3716.

Before running into legal trouble, Christian Peterson, an entrepreneur doing business in Madison, Wisconsin, owned several manufacturing and realestate development firms. He misused corporate finances, frequently making unauthorized intercompany loans and occasionally using corporate funds to pay off his personal gambling debts....

U.S.S.G. § 2B1.1 Loss Amount: Money Paid Back to Victim Before Fraud Detected NOT Counted Continue reading…

U.S.S.G. § 2B1.1 Loss Amount: Money Paid Back to Victim Before Fraud Detected NOT Counted

US v. Christian Peterson.  No. 14-3716.

Before running into legal trouble, Christian Peterson, an entrepreneur doing business in Madison, Wisconsin, owned several manufacturing and realestate development firms. He misused corporate finances, frequently making unauthorized intercompany loans and occasionally using corporate funds to pay off his personal gambling debts....

U.S.S.G. § 2B1.1 Loss Amount: Money Paid Back to Victim Before Fraud Detected NOT Counted Continue reading…

Residential Drug Abuse Program – BOP Changes Make Allow Greater Inmate Participation

SUMMARY: The Bureau of Prisons (Bureau) revised the Residential Drug Abuse Treatment Program (RDAP) regulations to allow greater inmate participation in the program and positively impact recidivism rates.

DATES: This rule is effective on May 26, 2016.

550.55(b) Inmates not Eligible for Early Release. As an...

Residential Drug Abuse Program – BOP Changes Make Allow Greater Inmate Participation Continue reading…

Honest Services Fraud – “Value of Benefit Received” Explained

United States v. Harper, No. 14-2701.   The defendant pleaded guilty to fraud consisting of her having abused her position as a member of a Chicago public-school board by accepting kickbacks of more than $500,000 from bus companies to which she steered transportation contracts worth $21 million. The parties stipulated that the value of...

Honest Services Fraud – “Value of Benefit Received” Explained Continue reading…

USSG 2B1.1 – Honest Services Fraud “Value of Benefit Received” Explained

United States v. Harper, No. 14-2701.   The defendant pleaded guilty to fraud consisting of her having abused her position as a member of a Chicago public-school board by accepting kickbacks of more than $500,000 from bus companies to which she steered transportation contracts worth $21 million. The parties stipulated that the value of...

USSG 2B1.1 – Honest Services Fraud “Value of Benefit Received” Explained Continue reading…